Well I had my 2nd Dr's appointment today - it was a brief affair but I got to hear the heartbeat again! It actually made me a little weepy this time for some reason (and sadly Andy wasn't there to see me trying not to cry in front of the Dr)... I think I'm still just shocked that God has chosen me to be a mother at this point in my life (or at any point, really) - there are so many people that I feel would be more deserving and better prepared than I am, but I guess that's just how He works - mysteriously.
I am humbled and awed by the entire thing... I know He has a perfect plan for us, and will fulfill it in perfect time... even for those who have lost a child or struggle with infertility... I don't understand why He has kept me and my baby healthy, but I am thankful.
I have another appointment in 2 weeks, and then 3 weeks after that we'll get the first ultrasound and find out if we're having a girl or a boy!! I really think it's a boy, but I am totally excited no matter what gender Baby is!
And, even though people say it's rare or even impossible at 14 weeks... I'm almost 100% positive that I've felt the baby... I thought that I did a couple of weeks ago, but I wasn't sure. Now, each day, I think I'm feeling more and more and it is very very strange and exciting! I asked the nurse about it and she said that it could be possible, since I haven't gained hardly any weight - so I'm just going to believe that I am feeling Baby moving! It's bizarre and sometimes seems a little creepy to think that there is a human being inside of me... but it's very wonderful too!
I don't have much other news besides Baby things... Andy and I have hit a (hopefully brief) rough patch with the business, and the next month or so is going to be very interesting financially. I know we'll be fine, and I know God is going to provide for all of our needs, but it is very difficult and scary (please be praying for our faith and patience). We have a lot of exciting things lined up for the near future with the business, but July was a very very slow month and it's just hard to make it during those slow times. We continue to feel like this is still our calling, and are trusting God to work everything out and keep us going.
Other than that... Andy and I have enjoyed playing the Wii lately, and I'm trying really hard to finish a VERY belated BD present for my poor brother. I promise it will be finished before your next BD... *nervous cough* I know you know what it is already, so please understand how painful of a process it all is... I don't want to hate what I'm giving you, if at all possible.
My stomach is really getting pretty big these days... but you'll have to wait until a Saturday for more pictures.
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