Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

First off - something shocking happened a few minutes ago.

The phone rang. We both stared at it for a minute and Andy finally decided to answer it. All I heard was "Okay... nuqjatlh? What is it? ...Okay..." Click. He hung up. He informed me that a man informed him that he had a delivery for us and that it was, amazingly enough, two million dollar checks. But he hung up on the man! How could he???

The phone rang again. I decided to answer it this time and get to the bottom of the matter. "nuqneH", I said. A difficult-to-understand man (of some foreign ethnicity I am assuming), informed me that he had a delivery for us from Las Vegas, Nevada. I said kindly, "but we aren't expecting any deliveries," and he replied "it is from the lottery and you have won 5 million dollars and a Rolls-Royce." I said, "no," to which he said "you play the lottery" and I said "no, we do not." He said, "well you have won and I have a delivery for you," but I responded firmly "no, thank you, we don't want those things." There was a long pause and he said, incredulously, "why not?". My reply was, again firmly, that "we don't play the lottery," to which he asked "you never play _____ [some name of some lottery ticket]?" and I said, "No, thank you, goodbye." Click. I hung up. What I should have said was, "Hab SoSlI' Quch!"

I wonder if I did the right thing? I mean, 5 million bucks? What a total bummer... maybe Corky (the previous tenant) played and won and never claimed his prize? Or maybe if I had given this strange man my address, bank account and social securities numbers I could be totally loaded right now? I guess I'll never know...

On a lighter note - well, not really - I'm not even registered to vote but I'm having a major crisis about who I would vote for if I were going to... I don't like either of them, and I really don't feel supportive of either on more than 50% of their standpoints, so I don't see how I could make a final decision... I hate to say it, though, but I feel like I might vote for Obama (if I were actually voting that is) simply for my general Democratic or "liberal" leanings... and yet I hate to think that I would vote for him because I just don't like him much at all... Oh, I dont know! What ever will I do about my non-existent potential voting decision??? Oh, gefilte fish!

On a much lighter note - or is it? - Andy, in response to Nathanael's McCain/Borg insinuation, would like to contribute this small gift to the political discussion... just some food for thought. He likes to call it "Barack-Oklingon" but I personally like to say "nuqDaq ' oH puchpa' ' e '" everytime I see it!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

the goings on...

Major updates:
1) Andy got hissed at by a snake. Literally. It stuck it's head in the air and hissed at him. (I'm jealous that I missed it - I've always wanted to hear a snake hiss!)

2) I'm going to attempt making a Pot Roast today.

3) Christmas on the farm! We're so excited that most of the Johnson clan will be taking the hike to come stay on our lovely farm to celebrate Christmas and Dad's birthday! I'll be sure to have a wild Christmas-cookie-baking-festival with Melissa in preparation for the 9,000 people who will be bunking here!

4) It's starting to get chilly! Early mornings and late evenings on the farm are pretty much the most incredible times ever... the moon has been ridiculously bright (brighter than I've ever seen in my life), and giving everything a bluish glow all night long (I've had several post-midnight visits to the horses, who have surprisingly welcomed me into their herd, even when it's dark)... In the mornings everything is covered in a delicious fog that hovers around the house and fields as the sky starts to light up with dawn. Andy's started busting out the socks and thermal shirts - despite the fact that it gets up to 85 during the day :) - in an attempt to convince the weather that it is, indeed, okay to get ridiculously cold any day now. This is my favorite time of year.

Other than that : we are desperately still trying to get everything ready to get the business going... please pray for us. Things are finally coming together, but we are WAY behind schedule (we had hoped to be up and running by Sept 1st, but now it's looking like Oct 1st before we'll actually start to have business). I know everything's going to work out, but it's a little more than stressful not having an income and hoping that the business does really well when we finally do get it started. We have enough savings to survive for quite some time, but there's just something painful about watching money go out without any coming back in.... I hate money.

We've been playing a lot of Scrabble lately. It's the only game we have that works well with just 2 people - although I think we're about to start playing Yahtzee as well, just to give our life some variety - it's been a lot of fun, although sometimes it gets lonely with just the 2 of us.... well, there is always the "other woman" (ie: Andy's computer) to occupy Andy when he gets bored... I've started to turn to Charlene and Buford (ie: my piano and amp), to pass the time. I even recorded a song the other day... but don't tell anyone.

I want to make beef jerky soon.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

a jolt to the spirit

this is Hadassah...

I've been very neglect in my pursuit of God lately. It would be easier to say, "I haven't been reading the Word as much as I should... I haven't been praying enough..." but I won't say that, because I have often frequented my life with these things, and yet stood far from God's outreaching arms.

The past couple of weeks have been a slow breaking through of my personal walls - namely "busyness", "exhaustion", "dissatisfaction", "fear", "petulance", and "disbelief" - and, ever so softly, I have begun to desire my Father's heart once more. I suppose it is largely because I have witnessed the breaking of others' around me, and have desired to shower them with a love, truth and grace that is not of my own making. I have hoped that God would use me to minister to those around me, yet I have not placed my hope in Him. Faith has become something that I have but do not use. I have not even asked Him to lead me into a desire for Him. I have not asked Him for faith. I have not asked Him for hope. Yet I have asked Him to use me to give it to others... do I think I cannot truly hold it as my own? Do I think I am, perhaps, not deserving of living it daily? Do I think that my only purpose is to give these gifts to others, but never rejoice in them as my own?

I read Colossians today. Here I was barraged with jarring reminders of the truths God has been teaching me for the past 2 years. As if to say, "have you forgotten Me already?" He directed my eyes to rest upon the very truths I already knew! The words I have wanted to say to others... I've been looking for a message of hope for my friends, yet today I was met with one for myself. I was at once encompassed with amazement and bowled over in awe at how unbelievable His truths are. They have made no sense to me, even as I spoke them with absolute certainty to others. It's as if I have discovered a blessed mystery that has been within, unbeknowst to me, and has at last been found again! I did not find anything new today, nothing about God or about my life has changed in the least... but I remembered something today, something that has rested in my heart since the day I died and received my Savior's life as my own.

It's been there all along, it's just that, for some strange reason, I have been looking for something else. Something outside of myself to change myself within. But Christ Himself is within me, "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," (Col. 2:3). And He in me, "the hope of glory," (Col. 1:27) is already completed. There is nothing outside of myself that I should seek. There is nothing more than what I already have that can make me holy. There is no external, nor even internal that I lack or should desire. It all rests within me. Now. At present.

"For it was the Father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him [Christ]," (Col. 1:19) and "in Him you have been made complete," (Col. 2:10).

I am moved deeply within my spirit. I am humbled. I am awed.

"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." (Col. 2:8) ..... I have been seeking truth according to myself. I have needed to prove to myself that which is truth. But here is the most ridiculous of it all...

I am the proof.... and He in me... the hope of glory.
Not my glory, but His.

I now hold fast to what I know.