Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Here is my amazingly handsome son! I think he looks a lot like both mama and daddy!

Yes, it's official, my son can talk!

Dada!!! from Hadassah Bird on Vimeo.

Since I took this video, I have heard other things that sound suspiciously like "dog" and "bye", but I'm not 100% positive on those just yet. Even if not, I can't believe that Oliver is starting to say real things! Or that he has 2 teeth!!! Yes, that's right - 2 teeth!!!
I haven't gotten a good picture of the chompers yet, because he won't hold still long enough - if you look VERY closely at the picture above, you can see a little bit of white next to his finger... they are ADORABLE and I feel like I'm looking at a toddler every time I see them peeking out of his little turtle lips! I know everyone talks about how fast babies grow, but I have never been so aware of it as I am now! I literally still can't believe I'm not pregnant anymore - let alone have a baby who is practically crawling!

three, two one... from Hadassah Bird on Vimeo.

He is getting around quite a bit more than this video indicates (it's about a week old), and I'm already having to baby-proof the house and keep an eye on him - somehow he gets around fast!

He also has started enjoying holding onto things standing up! He isn't pulling himself up alone yet, and of course can't be left alone whilst standing, but it's exciting and cute nonetheless!

And, now, here is a bit more loveliness for your viewing pleasure... oh how I adore my little one!

Look at him, doesn't he look like a little boy?? What happened to my little baby??

Oliver's personality is always becoming more and more vibrant! He has always loved to be outside, but he is getting much more explorative! (We have to watch those hands closely, they are fast!)

He has started eating solids (way later than most babies), but still isn't crazy about them. He definitely prefers Mama for all sustenance! ;)

He also likes flirting with the ladies! Wherever we go, he is constantly smirking and cooing at every woman he comes in contact with! He even flirts with his beautiful little friend Elvie! Here they are, holding hands (we didn't put them up to it, he totally reached for her and held it for several minutes!)

He is also VERY expressive - especially with his eyebrows! His facial expressions constantly crack us up, even his more scowly ones!

Well, folks, that's all for now! See ya!