So many delightful/disturbing things have happened on the farm in the last week that I hardly know where to start.
First - we saw some of neighbors wrangling a stray herd of cows... in their Chevy truck! It was a very disturbing/delightful sight, with a lot of whoopin and a-hollerin out of windows... *sigh*
Next - we saw two of our other neighbors wrangling a stray cow... on horseback! This was purely delightful... *sigh x2*
A few days later - I ran into about 25 loose cows hanging out in the yard of an abandoned house off of our driveway... it was a bit disconcerting, but mostly delightful. *sigh sigh sigh*
After that - we saw a 6-8 foot black snake crossing our driveway in the middle of the night (thankfully we were in our car)... this was not delightful in the least, but VERY disturbing. *shriek*
The Olympics are over - after many nights of excitement, patriotism (SHOCKING) and many tears from me during the inspirational Visa commercials... seriously, I've been a weepy mess for the last 2 weeks... darn good advertising those Visa folk have - so now we're enjoying Netflix and rotating between the entire collection of the James Bond movies, Freaks & Geeks marathons, Jane Austen films, and Fred/Ginger evenings... this has been entirely delightful, and almost never disturbing (except for when I'd weep at the Visa commercials and medal ceremonies). *sigh shriek sigh sigh sigh sigh*
No new pictures at present.
Come visit us.
-the Birds
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6 months ago