So many delightful/disturbing things have happened on the farm in the last week that I hardly know where to start.
First - we saw some of neighbors wrangling a stray herd of cows... in their Chevy truck! It was a very disturbing/delightful sight, with a lot of whoopin and a-hollerin out of windows... *sigh*
Next - we saw two of our other neighbors wrangling a stray cow... on horseback! This was purely delightful... *sigh x2*
A few days later - I ran into about 25 loose cows hanging out in the yard of an abandoned house off of our driveway... it was a bit disconcerting, but mostly delightful. *sigh sigh sigh*
After that - we saw a 6-8 foot black snake crossing our driveway in the middle of the night (thankfully we were in our car)... this was not delightful in the least, but VERY disturbing. *shriek*
The Olympics are over - after many nights of excitement, patriotism (SHOCKING) and many tears from me during the inspirational Visa commercials... seriously, I've been a weepy mess for the last 2 weeks... darn good advertising those Visa folk have - so now we're enjoying Netflix and rotating between the entire collection of the James Bond movies, Freaks & Geeks marathons, Jane Austen films, and Fred/Ginger evenings... this has been entirely delightful, and almost never disturbing (except for when I'd weep at the Visa commercials and medal ceremonies). *sigh shriek sigh sigh sigh sigh*
No new pictures at present.
Come visit us.
-the Birds
Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Online
6 months ago
You know what that means when you get emotional about silly things...I can remember back to crying at the end of Elf when they are all singing "Santa Claus is coming to town"...well if you don't know what that means...I'll wait till you inform me of what it means :)
I myself thought that what you're hinting at might be the case... but it is not.
No little birdies are on the way... at least not yet.
And everyone cries at the end of Elf.
" the end of elf." That is perhaps the saddest idea of all.
i cried at the end of jeremiah johnson because it was over and i wanted it to go on forever and ever
Katie...Williams? Is that you? I find this disturbing...
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