First off - something shocking happened a few minutes ago.
The phone rang. We both stared at it for a minute and Andy finally decided to answer it. All I heard was "Okay... nuqjatlh? What is it? ...Okay..." Click. He hung up. He informed me that a man informed him that he had a delivery for us and that it was, amazingly enough, two million dollar checks. But he hung up on the man! How could he???
The phone rang again. I decided to answer it this time and get to the bottom of the matter. "nuqneH", I said. A difficult-to-understand man (of some foreign ethnicity I am assuming), informed me that he had a delivery for us from Las Vegas, Nevada. I said kindly, "but we aren't expecting any deliveries," and he replied "it is from the lottery and you have won 5 million dollars and a Rolls-Royce." I said, "no," to which he said "you play the lottery" and I said "no, we do not." He said, "well you have won and I have a delivery for you," but I responded firmly "no, thank you, we don't want those things." There was a long pause and he said, incredulously, "why not?". My reply was, again firmly, that "we don't play the lottery," to which he asked "you never play _____ [some name of some lottery ticket]?" and I said, "No, thank you, goodbye." Click. I hung up. What I should have said was, "Hab SoSlI' Quch!"
I wonder if I did the right thing? I mean, 5 million bucks? What a total bummer... maybe Corky (the previous tenant) played and won and never claimed his prize? Or maybe if I had given this strange man my address, bank account and social securities numbers I could be totally loaded right now? I guess I'll never know...
On a lighter note - well, not really - I'm not even registered to vote but I'm having a major crisis about who I would vote for if I were going to... I don't like either of them, and I really don't feel supportive of either on more than 50% of their standpoints, so I don't see how I could make a final decision... I hate to say it, though, but I feel like I might vote for Obama (if I were actually voting that is) simply for my general Democratic or "liberal" leanings... and yet I hate to think that I would vote for him because I just don't like him much at all... Oh, I dont know! What ever will I do about my non-existent potential voting decision??? Oh, gefilte fish!
On a much lighter note - or is it? - Andy, in response to Nathanael's McCain/Borg insinuation, would like to contribute this small gift to the political discussion... just some food for thought. He likes to call it "Barack-Oklingon" but I personally like to say "nuqDaq ' oH puchpa' ' e '" everytime I see it!
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