Actually, this week he has started sleeping 3-4 hours in between feedings at night! I've actually been getting a decent amount of sleep! I think it's probably because I've had him snuggling in bed with me (sorry to all of those who are anti-co-sleeping, but I've done a ton of research and made my own decision as his parent)... he and I both sleep so much better when we're close, mostly because he's happy and therefore doesn't do his horse/goat/lion grunting all night long, so I actually get some real rest!
This week, Oliver weighed in at 12 lbs, 3 oz! He started off in the 10th percentile and now he is in the 95th!! Think he's growing fast enough? He is literally eating me out of house and home - I eat just as often as he does, if not more, just trying to keep up! :) I'm so happy and blessed to have a healthy, growing and lively baby! The doctor is always impressed with how he is developing, and I don't take it for granted at all!
He has really started changing in the last week or 2. While Nana and Papa Johnson were here he started smiling in response to seeing peoples' faces up close... since then he has REALLY started responding when he sees Andy and I, and often smiles a HUGE smile and flails his arms as if to say, "hey - I like you! Pick me up!" and we usually do... :) I mean, seriously, who can argue with this face??
He has also started making a lot of new sounds! A few weeks ago he started making "g" sounds when he would yell/cry... I actually heard an "n" a couple of days ago, and he has started cooing/talking when he's happy also! He's started combining vowel sounds for longer, more intricate "words", which is so very exciting!! He actually also started pushing to a stand in my lap over a week ago, which is really crazy!
All of you slept with us and you turned out OK didn't you??????
I reckon I'd like to see that baby.
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